Agile Web Development

Debian inspiring Liip


Debian's values

Just do it.

Be bold. Honestly, what can’t you undo?

Sam Hocevar, 2007 DPL, @DebConf7

Standard Resolution Procedure

  • Proposal
  • Sponsoring (> K, where K = min(5, Q))
  • Amendments (= options) can be introduced, also need K sponsors
  • Two-week discussion period (mailing-list discussion)
  • Two-week voting period

Example - Ice Cream Choice

  • John Doe proposes that we buy Vanilla Ice Cream, and announces that he seeks sponsors
  • During the discussion, Toni Schöni would like to have a Strawberry option
  • Further down, Alice would like to have a Strawberry, but without milk option
  • Assuming they all found enough sponsors, here would be a possible ballot
[ ] Acquire Vanilla Ice Cream
[ ] Acquire Strawberry Ice Cream
[ ] Acquire Strawberry Ice Cream without milk
[ ] Further discussion

Ice Cream Choice - Ranking

The point is to rank options between them, by order of preference

For a milk-intolerant example:

[3] Acquire Vanilla Ice Cream
[3] Acquire Strawberry Ice Cream
[1] Acquire Strawberry Ice Cream without milk
[2] Further discussion

Ice Cream Choice - Results

Results are decided by relative wins

Complex Results

General Resolution: init system coupling

Results computation

A Condorcet method is any election method that elects the candidate that would win by majority rule in all pairings against the other candidates, whenever one of the candidates has that property.

This needs cycle-breaking methods to ensure there's always a winner.

There are various, no need to re-invent the wheel!


Lots of things are cultural

  • Just do it habit
  • Strong empowerement in one's competence and responsibility areas

Things that Debian has, that would be useful for Liip

A constitution

that defines …

  • how power circulates
  • how decisions are taken

Delegations of decisional power

with …

  • clear responsibilities
  • revokability

Formal way to decide on issues

that clarifies …

  • how to call for a decision
  • how to broaden the options set
  • the spectrum of opinions

Should we adopt a constitution?


It could be minimal!

So we would vote all the time?

Absolutely not!

But appeal mechanisms do matter!

Are you proposing that we elect a leader?

Not necessarily…

But defining how power (delegation, revokation) is spread also matters!

But this would not be self-organization anymore

Why would self imply anarchy?

A structured organization can perfectly be self-organized for most things, but there are areas that need more formalism.